Unanswered questions

Topshim error

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HELLO all nmr wikier,I am facing problem in runing topshim on bruker 500Mhz using topspin 2.1 it finishes with error (fi...
Posted: feroon 21 / Updated: Jim Lin 1 Mar 31 '15 at 06:19

noisy hmqc and hmbc spectra

2 0 5k
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Hey all! We've got a serious problem because with our new probe (5mm bbo bruker) the t1 noise in the heteronuclear corr...
Posted: apophis 1 / Updated: Pete Gierth 401 Feb 25 '15 at 14:06

log: Failed to find Z0 - low s/n

2 0 5k
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Hi, everybody! I met a problem on Varian 400 MR: DMSO samples don't lock by "find Z0" button, but I can find lock signal...
Posted: Ilya N 1 / Updated: Ulrich Haunz 210 Mar 09 '15 at 09:18

Coherence transfer pathway for Magic sandwich echo

0 0 2k
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Hi, I am writing the pulse sequence for magic sandwich echo*, but I am stuck with the phase cycle since I don't have a ...
Updated: Traveller 1 Feb 15 '15 at 15:59

Parameters for zgesfpgp 1d experiment (flipback watergate) on Bruker

1 0 3k
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Hi , Does any one know how to set up the zgesfpgp 1d experiment (flipback water gate) on Bruker. I am looking for p29 du...
Posted: sri 71 / Updated: Clemens Anklin 416 Mar 03 '15 at 20:41

building chains of resonance groups from connectivities

0 0 1k
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Greetings, Given a dictionary of connectivities of the following form: residue i -> possible residues i-1 : 54 -&g...
Posted: Thomas 1 Feb 07 '15 at 11:36

How do I perform a 2D C-13-C-13 spectrum simulation?

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I am new to NMR pipe and was wondering how to perform a carbon-13 carbon-13 simulation in NMR pipe? For example, what th...
Posted: epsaliba 1 Feb 06 '15 at 07:28

Can anyone point me towards a waterlogsy tutorial for bruker?

0 0 1k
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Hello people, It's all in the title. ...
Posted: gravatar 83 Feb 02 '15 at 08:15

adequate NMR

0 0 1k
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Hi, I am really confused about reading the adequate 1J(CC) results, Can anyone help me with that? What is the differenc...
Posted: Hessen 1 Jan 29 '15 at 14:57

ADC value, help!!!

1 0 2k
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ADC value in Bruker 1T, please tell me how to get it? ...
Posted: Huong Nguyen 1 / Updated: Ulrich Haunz 210 Feb 09 '15 at 07:37

questions without an accepted answer

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