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Hi NMRwikiers, for measuring scalar couplings we use some HSQC pulse sequences modified for obtaining the coupling in F1-dimension as a splitting of doublets for CH2 groups. As high resolution is needed we use high folding in the acqusition, but as a result we obtain a lot of coupling artifacts in phenyl signals. We think that the use of adiabatic decoupling schemes should give a reasonably good spectrum of phenyls but I have no experience in adiabatic decoupling. Anyone can give me a hand for Bruker spectrometers?

asked May 24 '11 at 04:04

ptrigomou's gravatar image


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Bruker's Pulsetool is fully capable of generating common adiabatic pulses such as WURST and hyperbolic secant, among others. The tool even automatically calculators common parameters used to evaluate the pulse such as the adiabaticity facor and will show you a simulation of the pulse's inversion profile, thus allowing you to verify that the inversion bandwidth is neither too narrow nor too wide.


answered Jun 28 '11 at 12:50

ChemMJW's gravatar image


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