Tagged questions

Volume Integration 2D spectra

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Hi, Can anyone enlighten me on the best way to calculate volume integration on 2D spectra (Bruker, Topspin). I have tri...
Posted: doodlebugs 1 Jul 06 '15 at 07:54

help on creating a program similar to multizg?

2 1 6k
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I am currently trying to write a program that is a lot like the multizg program in the Bruker software, Topspin but with...
Posted: Artjom Nepryahin 11 / Updated: John Hollerton 96 Dec 10 '12 at 10:05

Simple 1H-NMR Assignment Query

4 1 5k
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Hi guys, sorry to be really cheeky and sign up simply to ask for help, but here goes. I've done a simple Grignard addit...
Posted: Brianstorm 11 / Updated: 3nath 11 Oct 26 '11 at 12:53

NMRPipe: propagating resonance positions to multiple spectra

1 0 4k
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Hello, Is it possible in NMRPipe to: Generate a peak table for a new spectrum using the resonance positions in an exi...
Updated: vvostri 11 Aug 23 '11 at 13:58

NMRPipe: re-integrate peaks

1 1 4k
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Hello, I am familiarizing myself with NMRPipe and I have a question similar to the one already asked (http://qa.nmrwiki...
Updated: vvostri 11 Jun 14 '11 at 09:54

H NMR integraton

3 1 11850
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Dear all: I just synthesized a polymer. The integrations in the high-chemical-shift regime are consistent with theoretic...
Posted: Davis Chen 11 / Updated: sekhar Talluri 621 Jun 02 '11 at 13:33

How do you calculate the % or degree of acrylation of a polymer using integrated NMR peaks?

2 1 20781
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Hello, I'm trying to use an NMR spectrum to define/calculate a "degree of acrylation" for a PLA-PEG-PLA block copolymer ...
Updated: juxtabo 11 Apr 11 '10 at 10:48

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