Does anyone know a good source for bruker to varian translations in terms of commands and general terms? |
Hello, this is not a very simple question to answer! You can not directly use the commands and variables from Bruker on a Varian/Agilent spectrometer and vice versa. I recommend to have a closer look into the Appendix of the book "100/150/200 and More Basic NMR Experiments" written by S. Braun, H.-O. Kalinowski and S. Berger - ISBN 3-527-31067-3. Some commands and variables are fitting and lots are not! I tried to use macros for "translations", but this does not work properly. Have a nice try. Uli thanks, it is coming to me slowly, I think I just need more spectrometer time to work out what I do and don't know - Thomas Garner (Mar 29 '11 at 07:06) |