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Hello everyone
I am using NMRPipe to simulate 3D, noise-free NOESY spectra (13C or 15N
resolved) from peak lists, but I...
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Hi, I have question for you who have Bruker instruments! On 300 MHz I worked on selective noesy pulse sequence (selnogp)...
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I am trying to collect 1D NOESY spectrum of a small protein in 90% H2O with selective excitation so I could follow ...
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I was running a 3D 15N edit NOESY (on a Bruker 600) and it was inadvertently stopped. I would like to restart the experi...
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I want to know the difference between 13C edited and 13C resolved NOESY and also tell me about the applicati...
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Hi folks,
Has anyone calculated NOESY intensities from a X-ray crystal structure? CORMA program calculates. But have an...
May 10 '13 at 11:39
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Why do we trun off sample spinning when we do NOESY experiment?
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How to set "quiet" NOESY experiment on spectrometer Bruker ?
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Dear friends,
I came across one reference which describe N15 NNH separated NOESY experiment but I am not able to get ...
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I'm an NMR newbie. I know isotope filtering can be used to study a complex under slow exchange, but for fast-exchange, i...
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Hi everyone
Does anyone happen to know if/how I can tell whether peaks outside the spectral width were either folded or...
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I am encountering the problem while generating the constraints form N-15 edit AND C-13 EDIT NOESY files that very few c...
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Dear NMR Wiki'ers
I Have acquired c13-edit noesy experiment on 700vnmr for my target protein (20kd) with mixing time of...
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Dear NMR wikiers
could you please suggest any auto assignment web servers online to assign N-15 & C13- EDIT NOESY...
Oct 17 '11 at 10:20
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When i run 2d noesy with wet suppression (Hypercomplex with phase=1,2, nt=32, so phasecycle errors should be excluded)),...
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Dear NMR wikiers
I would like to take c13 filter noesy experment ( this experment explore residues of the interface of...
Jul 05 '11 at 10:56
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Hi, I am a person with a Computer Science background who is dealing with some NMR dataset. I am concerned with the assig...
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I am new to NOESY, so I have a number of question about interpreting resulting 2D spectra.
Mixing time is 300 ms, substa...
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Hi All,
I'm trying to set up some experiments to determine intermolecular NOEs in a peptide:protein complex. At the mom...
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Hi I've been reading about WET water suppression scheme here where it is mentioned as superior to WATERGATE in that it a...
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I have recorded 2D half filtered NOE experiments on a protein-protein complex and got very poor quality data, why would ...
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How would you recommend to approach this problem - we have a peptide that has side-chain exposed to the solvent and it i...
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Hello, could you suggest software to conduct proper relaxation matrix analysis of NOE?
Is it available anywhere on the ...
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I need to run noesy for a monomeric peptide of about 1.5kDa at 800 MHz 1H frequency. NOE peaks are weak at 100 ms mixing...
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Is there a formula that would suggest a reasonable starting value for the mixing time based on the molecular weight, mag...