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Dear friends,

I came across one reference which describe N15 NNH separated NOESY experiment but I am not able to get more information about this experiment from other sources. Is this experiment useful for providing restraints for protein structure calculation. what kind of information this experiment can provide and how to set up. If anyone has references to suggest, please suggest.

Thanks & Regards


asked Feb 21 '12 at 00:37

Arun%20Gupta's gravatar image

Arun Gupta

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Hi Arun,

They might be referring to an HSQC-NOE-HSQC (or HMQC-NOE-HMQC, as originally described by Ikura et al JACS 112, 9020 (1990)). It's useful for identifying amide-amide NOEs when their proton chemical shifts are too close together. I think most people run it in its HSQC-NOE-HSQC form these days, or, for larger proteins as a 1H15N TROSY-NOE-TROSY. - Mark


answered Feb 21 '12 at 09:08

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Mark Girvin

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Guerry P, Duong V D, Herrmann T. CASD-NMR 2: robust and accurate unsupervised analysis of raw NOESY spectra and protein structure determination with UNIO[J]. Journal of biomolecular NMR, 2015, 62(4): 473-480.

Tzeng S R, Pai M T, Kalodimos C G. NMR studies of large protein systems[J]. Protein NMR Techniques, 2012: 133-140.

Shigemitsu Y, Ikeya T, Yamamoto A, et al. Evaluation of the reliability of the maximum entropy method for reconstructing 3D and 4D NOESY-type NMR spectra of proteins[J]. Biochemical and biophysical research communications, 2015, 457(2): 200-205.

And some commercial platforms.


answered Jun 27 '16 at 22:53

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Justin Frank

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