Tagged questions

How to extract Bruker fid data - in topspin and xwinnmr - to ascii format?

4 1 26008
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Hi and thanks for answering my prev. questions! Decided to ask this one: How can I convert fid data (ser file) to plain...
Posted: Magnethead 42 / Updated: Ulrich Haunz 210 Dec 04 '14 at 04:16

gNhsqc_IPAP RDC data processing

3 2 6k
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Does anyone know how, or have a resource that can assist me in processing data collected from this experiment? Thanks. ...
Posted: Elio Cino 31 / Updated: Evgeny Fadeev 5771 Mar 04 '10 at 07:28

Problem reading and transforming vendor data using C++/Qt

3 2 13809
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Hi, I am a German chemistry Bachelor student (beginning my Master studies in October) and as a spare-time hobby I would...
Updated: Pascal Fricke 236 Aug 04 '10 at 00:16

How to create synthetic FID data in either Bruker, Varian or JEOL?

3 0 8k
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Are there tools that allow to create raw data files in vendor format that contain desired data? For example for the tes...
Posted: Evgeny Fadeev 5771 / Updated: John Hollerton 96 Aug 24 '10 at 06:55

incorrect processing of 2D HSQC in NMRPipe - what is wrong?

3 1 17057
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i'm trying to process an HSQC by using standard scripts of NMRpipe, and get this: what is wrong in my processing? at...
Posted: nadia1230 11 / Updated: TJCarruthers 31 Apr 19 '11 at 16:10

Automatically Saving VNMR6.1 Data Post-Acquisition

3 0 4k
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Does anyone know of a convenient way to automatically save data in VNMR6.1? Occasionally, if an experiment is left to ru...
Posted: Chris Barber 3 / Updated: Ben Reed 1 May 08 '12 at 09:28

How to process gNhsqc_IPAP.c data with nmrPipe?

2 0 13179
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Hello, I know that this problem has been discussed a number of times on the nmrPipe newsgroup and there are some helpfu...
Updated: Evgeny Fadeev 5771 Mar 03 '10 at 13:11

How to fix the broad antiphase artifact after SOL function in nmrPipe?

2 0 9k
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Hi, we've tried to apply SOL function of nmrPipe to process a 3D 13C edited NOESY. and the result is a wide antiphase-lo...
Posted: Evgeny Fadeev 5771 / Updated: sekhar Talluri 621 Apr 26 '11 at 11:04

ASCII to nmrPipe format conversion of 2D complex time domain data

1 2 6k
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I have a 2D complex time domain set stored in ASCII format. I want to be able to process it using nmrPipe. Unfortunately...
Posted: hasancelik 48 / Updated: Evgeny Fadeev 5771 Dec 10 '09 at 07:01

NMRPipe: Why Varian States-TPPI NMR data is to be processed with -yMode Complex?

1 0 8k
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Hello, I've started using Varian instrument at UCI two years ago and I use nmrPipe to process the data. This one thing ...
Posted: Evgeny Fadeev 5771 / Updated: Clemens Anklin 416 Jun 06 '10 at 15:14

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