Hello, I've started using Varian instrument at UCI two years ago and I use nmrPipe to process the data. This one thing I do not understand - why do we have to use I remember that for Bruker data we used to explicitly say Is there a difference in the method of storing such data on Bruker and Varian instruments? Thanks! |
Kirk's answer is correct. Varian/Agilent pulse programs explicitly program the inversion of the receiver for every 3rd and 4th FID. All States TPPI sequences in the Bruker library omit this step and multiply the 3rd and 4th FID with -1 before processing. |
I've noticed this as well. Data described by Varian as States-TPPI actually processes as States in SpinWorks. I think they may have phase cycling on the receiver that actually turns the data into States. You just have to flip the sign of every 3rd and 4th fid. - Kirk Marat (Mar 04 '10 at 12:22)