Tagged questions

Example of XPLOR NMR structure with unnatural custom residues

0 2 3k
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Hi there! Could anyone share an example of NIH-XPLOR files for annealing of NMR structure with non-natural residues. May...
Updated: anita 31 Jan 19 '10 at 11:40

How to fix error code 9 when running modelfree?

3 2 8k
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Guys-has any one used fastMF program from Loria's group? I am getting an error message - "Error during input, file= 6mar...
Posted: Jeetender Chugh 31 / Updated: Daisuke Takahashi 1 Sep 08 '11 at 18:35

How to create synthetic procpar files for VNMRJ?

2 2 7k
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Hi guys : Im trying to make a procpar for an FID, I know most of the parameters of importance, and have the schema of th...
Posted: j 131 / Updated: David Horita 31 Nov 09 '12 at 06:43

Software to create shaped pulse files from mathematical equation?

3 1 7k
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I would like to create working shaped pulse files in one step starting from mathematical expressions - one for amplitude...
Posted: Evgeny Fadeev 5771 / Updated: joshua hicks 1 Apr 19 '11 at 07:34

useful commands in sparky

1 1 7k
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I'd like to learn basic use of sparky, could you recommend something to start with? ...
Posted: Novelle 11 / Updated: Evgeny Fadeev 5771 Nov 18 '09 at 14:32

A puzzle about NMRPipe COADD with -time option.

0 1 4k
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... Following up on a previous question about processing interleaved gNhsqc_IPAP.c data where IP/AP is on the inner loop...
Updated: Evgeny Fadeev 5771 Jan 15 '10 at 16:49

Header for Varian fid file

3 1 9k
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I have an fid file (for a 2D experiment) that I would like to process in vnmr. I am aware that an fid file requires a c...
Posted: KevinJD 16 / Updated: Evgeny Fadeev 5771 Jan 18 '10 at 11:25

Are there tools that automate obtaining RDC values and accuracy from NMR data?

2 1 5k
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Hello. I was wondering if there are any software programs to extract RDC values, and their associated errors from proces...
Posted: Elio Cino 31 / Updated: bernie o'hare 111 Mar 13 '10 at 10:30

Is there a script that converts Sparky .list files to XPLOR input format?

1 1 5k
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I have 5 different RDCs that I've extracted using simple perl scripts and Sparky .list files. I want to use XPLOR for s...
Posted: mikaelastewart 11 / Updated: Evgeny Fadeev 5771 Mar 15 '10 at 14:37

Software to model a 9-mer peptide that binds divalent metals and may oligomerize?

1 1 11631
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I'm gearing up for a project in which we're looking at the structure of a short peptide that should fold upon binding di...
Posted: jkurutz 131 / Updated: Evgeny Fadeev 5771 Mar 18 '10 at 09:32

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