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Hi, comrades! We use the linux version of TopSpin 2.1 as a software for AVANCE II Bruker 400 MHz. As I found parameters of pulse sequences are located in /opt/topspin/exp/stan/nmr/par - directory.

I've started to study the content of "acqu" - file in directory /opt/topspin/exp/stan/nmr/par/PROTON and couldn't find any definitions of some parameters in Bruker-manuals. For instance, DBL, DATE, DBP, DBPNAME[0-7], DECBNUC, DECNUC, DECSTAT, DL, DP, DPO.

Where can I find the meaning and explanation of that parameters?

asked Oct 01 '12 at 08:56

Alexander%20Abakumov's gravatar image

Alexander Abakumov

updated Oct 02 '12 at 10:19

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Dear Alexander,

the manual acqref.pdf in ../topspin/prog/docu/english/xwinproc/pdf contains explanations for the currently relevant parameters.

For compatibility with older instruments and versions of software some legacy parameters will also still be found in parameter files. From the selection above DBL, DBP, DBPNAME, DECBNUC, DECNUC etc are such legacy parameters. DB here stood for second decoupler or decoupler B. You would have to find some of the matching manuals to get the explanation for these parameters.



answered Oct 02 '12 at 17:44

Clemens%20Anklin's gravatar image

Clemens Anklin

Thank you for recomendations. - Alexander Abakumov (Oct 03 '12 at 10:34)

But I have more questions. 1) Where can I find those manuals that I need? 2) Are those legacy parameters of vital importance for pulse programming on our spectrometer? - Alexander Abakumov (Nov 19 '12 at 09:16)

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