Tagged questions

Protein Backbone assignment

1 0 4k
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There are many Software Tools available for that purpose. What are the problems there (if there are some)? Do you think...
FAS 1 Dec 08 '16 at 07:53

selecting for side chains

2 1 3k
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Does anyone know of literature pointing to NMR experiments that can select for say -CH3 groups attached to -CH2? ...
Justin Frank 1 Jun 29 '16 at 19:22

Dimer and tetramer equilibrium identification of protein with NMR experiments

2 0 8k
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Dear nmr wikiers could you please let me know is their any nmr experment to identification of Dimer and tetramer equil...
Justin Frank 1 Jun 29 '16 at 19:09

NMR of proteins

3 0 6k
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I need informations about nuclear magnetic resonance of proteins with figures. ...
Justin Frank 1 Jun 27 '16 at 20:47

What are the biggest differences in solving NMR structures of DNA or RNA vs. proteins?

2 1 13265
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I've only solved NMR structure of globular proteins (actually in a complex with a short stretch of DNA), but never a str...
Justin Frank 1 Jun 27 '16 at 19:27

Protein-peptide binding NMR Experments

2 0 7k
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Hello friends , my target Protein is existing as multimer (i.e Monomer,dimer,tetrameter ) before binding to the peptid...
Justin Frank 1 Jun 27 '16 at 03:02

Buffer systems for protein pH titrations

1 0 9k
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Hi All, I am trying to design a 1D 31P pH titration experiment for a protein. I have been trying to identify a good buf...
ChemMJW 99 Aug 22 '14 at 20:40

1D NOESY with selective excitation and water suppression

2 0 10541
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Hi, I am trying to collect 1D NOESY spectrum of a small protein in 90% H2O with selective excitation so I could follow ...
kyleabeauchamp 1 Mar 06 '14 at 15:37

Streaks in RDC Gel Spectrum

2 0 8k
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Hello all, I have used stretched polyacrylamide gels successfully many times to collect RDC data for proteins. The las...
ChemMJW 99 Dec 06 '13 at 19:10

How to adjust the receiver gain in a deuterium oxide protein sample?

2 0 7k
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I am running a 15N HSQC on a protein sample which is in a 100% deuterium oxide solvent. The command rga in TopSpin gives...
norsouth 3 Dec 02 '13 at 11:16

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