Unanswered questions

How to optimally choose a 1/4J 1H-15N delay for INEPT?

2 1 7k
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Why is it often the case that when transferring magnetization from 1H to 15N, the 1/4J time is often a little less than ...
Posted: Scott Robson 156 / Updated: Evgeny Fadeev 5771 Apr 14 '10 at 16:33

What is the correct way to label a multiplet?

1 1 13818
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Hi, I am puzzled with a determination of multiplicity of a spectrum. When to use abreviation m? And how to cut a bunch o...
Posted: rusta 16 / Updated: Evgeny Fadeev 5771 Jan 18 '10 at 21:20

finding sample data for practicing 2D 1H assignment

2 1 5k
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as I have already started to assign a small peptide, I need sample data set for practicing 2d h1 assignment, could you p...
Posted: niloofar niknam 26 / Updated: jkurutz 131 Dec 15 '09 at 05:00

Please suggest model proteins and peptides for NMR

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do you know any model proteins except lysozyme suitable for nmr experiments? ...
Posted: niloofar niknam 26 / Updated: Markus Seeliger 11 Aug 17 '10 at 13:16

14N solid state NMR

4 1 6k
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I would like to run some solid state 14N NMR spectra, but I have never run experiment on integer spins in the solid stat...
Posted: Anne Baudouin 36 / Updated: Joseph DiVerdi 146 May 31 '10 at 06:29

Diffusion constant range measurable by NMR?

1 1 4k
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What is the range of diffusion constants accessible by PFG NMR methods? Could anyone provide specific examples for the ...
Posted: Evgeny Fadeev 5771 / Updated: Adolfo Botana 91 Nov 02 '09 at 07:31

Header for Varian fid file

3 1 9k
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I have an fid file (for a 2D experiment) that I would like to process in vnmr. I am aware that an fid file requires a c...
Posted: KevinJD 16 / Updated: Evgeny Fadeev 5771 Jan 18 '10 at 11:25

A puzzle about NMRPipe COADD with -time option.

0 1 4k
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... Following up on a previous question about processing interleaved gNhsqc_IPAP.c data where IP/AP is on the inner loop...
Updated: Evgeny Fadeev 5771 Jan 15 '10 at 16:49

Helium recovery system

2 1 7k
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How do I configure a helium recovery system that won't perturb my magnet's stability? I'm concerned that just hooking ...
Posted: jkurutz 131 / Updated: Jerry Hirschinger 199 Jul 23 '14 at 10:45

1H-NMR-spektrum for CAS: 1792-81-0 HEEEELP

3 1 7k
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I'm going to finish my repport for the school in a very few days, but I just can't finde a 1H-NMR-spektra for the molecy...
Posted: say 11 / Updated: Clemens Anklin 416 Dec 23 '09 at 14:58

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