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I am trying to convert the .ft3 files into a felix matrix using the pipe2mat conversion filter in felix but it doesn't seem to work properly - it does generate a matrix but the size of the matrix is too small and Felix freezes if I try to open it. Does anyone have a script to do so? or maybe you got the felix filter to work?

asked Dec 06 '10 at 15:33

Kaustubh's gravatar image


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It should normally be very easy to run the pipe2mat conversion filter to create the Felix matrix. It could depend on which version of Felix you're running, which platform (Windows, Linux or SGI) you're running on, whether you're doing the conversion from the menu interface or the command line and possibly the NMRPipe data itself. It would probably be best to send an inquiry to the "support" email address at felixnmr (dot) com and I can try to help you sort this out. Most likely you just need the latest convert2mat conversion filter that corresponds to the version of Felix that you're running.


answered Dec 10 '10 at 11:51

Steve's gravatar image


Thanks Steve, I will get in touch with you! - Kaustubh (Dec 13 '10 at 22:59)

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