Tagged questions

Processing varian 2D data done with a 3D pulse sequence

2 0 3k
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Hello all, I am working with a varian spectrometer and did a 2D experiment with a 3D pulse sequence and I need help with...
Updated: PBjang 1 Jul 17 '13 at 01:39

Converting from 2 column data to Topspin fid

1 1 4k
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I am new to Topspin and would like to know if a 2 column dataset (containing time versus intensity) can be converted int...
Posted: Arvind Ananthanarayanan 11 / Updated: bernie o'hare 111 Aug 06 '11 at 10:48

converting nmrpipe processed data (.ft3 files) to felix matrix

1 1 5k
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I am trying to convert the .ft3 files into a felix matrix using the pipe2mat conversion filter in felix but it doesn't s...
Updated: Kaustubh 21 Dec 13 '10 at 22:59

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