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ON bruker av-500 topshim giving worse line shape spectra for e.g it is getting the right keys but in
wrong direction...
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I am faceing spining problem on av-300 bruker instrument.
I have change spinner,clean shim stack but the problem is s...
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When i run 2d noesy with wet suppression (Hypercomplex with phase=1,2, nt=32, so phasecycle errors should be excluded)),...
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is there a possibility to perform an integer division or a modulo calculation in topspin 2.1?
Thank you!
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I've got a sample of about 5mg of an amino acid that is the final product of a a synthesis. Due to the long relaxation t...
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Hi everybody!
I have just started to work with TopSpin 3.1, though already faced a problem. I have an 15N-1H HSQC spectr...
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We generally use Dual to run 13C and BBI to run 2D. After changed the probe, the command "edhead" was used to set the pr...
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Is it possible in NMRPipe to:
Generate a peak table for a new spectrum using the resonance positions in an exi...
Aug 23 '11 at 13:58
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I'm using a Bruker 300 NMR, equipped with a BBO probe, to do Boron 11 NMR. But I got no signal no matter what pulse leng...
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I've been trying to assign peaks in a proton spectrum of a highly dynamic ring, namely 2-deutero-diselenane. Th...
Aug 07 '11 at 16:08