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If I'm running relaxation experiments (15N) for R1, R2, and hetnoe on a double labeled (2H/15N) sample, do I need to do any deuterium decoupling added to the program?

asked Aug 18 '10 at 10:02

anita's gravatar image


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If the object is to measure 15N relaxation rates (R1, R2 and hetnoe), and if the experiment is being carried out in 90%H2O/10%D2O, then it would not be necessary to do deuterium decoupling for a doubly labeled (2H/15N) sample.

However, if the experiment is carried out with different compositions of solvent (H2O/D2O ratios) and deuterium decoupling is applied then additional information would be obtained for elucidating the contribution of an additional mechanism of relaxation for 15N amide nuclei having exchangeable protons/deuterons.


answered Sep 01 '10 at 04:59

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sekhar Talluri

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answered Sep 01 '10 at 12:55

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