Tagged questions

Tune and decoupling problems Bruker Avance 300

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Hello everyone, I had to change a BVT3300 module in a Bruker Avance 300 console today. Everytihing went fine and the mo...
gael58 1 Feb 22 '18 at 07:45

noisy hmqc and hmbc spectra

2 0 5k
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Hey all! We've got a serious problem because with our new probe (5mm bbo bruker) the t1 noise in the heteronuclear corr...
Pete Gierth 401 Feb 25 '15 at 14:06

19F full range homodecoupling

3 0 7k
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Greetings, this is my first question in this wiki :) I wonder if there's possibility to obtain full homo decoupled spe...
Arkadiusz Leniak 238 Jun 16 '14 at 00:14

Running a 13C{19F} spectrum on a Bruker Instrument?

1 0 6k
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My apologies in advance for the very "beginner" nature of my question : ) We are interested in examining a carbon spect...
Charlie Fry 91 Jan 23 '14 at 07:32

adiabatic decoupling

1 1 6k
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Hi NMRwikiers, for measuring scalar couplings we use some HSQC pulse sequences modified for obtaining the coupling in F1...
ChemMJW 99 Jun 28 '11 at 12:50

Should I decouple deuterium on 2H/15N labeled sample for R1, R2 and hetnoe?

2 0 5k
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If I'm running relaxation experiments (15N) for R1, R2, and hetnoe on a double labeled (2H/15N) sample, do I need to do ...
roseyp 46 Sep 01 '10 at 12:55

Choice of method to calibrate decoupling pulse

1 1 7k
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Book by Timothy Claridge "High-Resolution NMR Techniques in Organic Chemistry" recommends calibrating homonuclear decoup...
Kirk Marat 711 Jan 06 '10 at 09:23

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