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Could you please give information about the standred reference values of LINEAR PRIDICTION FORWRAD...
May 24 '11 at 02:45
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Dear NMR Wikiers !
I encountering problem with assignment of 12 kd protein ! i assigend already 50 percent of backbone ...
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I want to make a CT-COSY pulse sequence on a Brucker AVANCE II spectrometer. But I'm bother by incremented delay. W...
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Is anyone aware of NMR facilites, which possess a SSNMR equipped with a 2H wideline probe that can access sample tempera...
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Does anyone know of any program that can generate inter-proton distance restraints from an X-ray structure?
I w...
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when i run homonuclear NOESY experiments in bruker 500MHz spectometer with d8 150ms(mw is 300).Though i am followi...
Apr 24 '11 at 23:21
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Was trying to lift sample in BMSB control suite... but the machine detected sample within and an error 113 popped out. A...
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I have an aromatic spectrum of Tyr residues in p53 DNA binding domain. No peaks are seen for Tyr-205 at high temp, but a...
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i'm trying to process an HSQC by using standard scripts of NMRpipe, and get this:
what is wrong in my processing? at...
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I have been trying to use the command 'proj' (in vnmrj 2.1) with a given frequencey and frequency range to do a sumn pro...