Why SR(F1) in hcchtocsy and h(cc)(co)nh?

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Hi,All, I wonder if somebody can tell me why in these two experiments( also hbha(co)nh,I think) in Bruker(not sure if yo...
Updated: blue 1 Feb 28 '17 at 08:37

NMR saturation

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My doubts are about NMR saturation. Saturation is caused by a continued impulse and cause the equalization in spin popol...
Posted: Youlsea 1 Aug 29 '17 at 08:11

lock, gradient shimming and acquisition in vnmrj

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Dear all, I want to write a macro that run lock, gradient shimming and acquisition in VnmrJ. I tried two ways, but fail...
Updated: Zhang 1 Sep 24 '17 at 18:43

19F or 31P dosy

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Hi, I have run 19F and 31P dosy using ledbpgg2s program from Bruker, I obtain good decreasing curves as expected, with u...
Posted: AnneBaudouin 1 Oct 17 '17 at 01:18

13C-NMR with 31P coupling

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Hello, I am the first time confronted with a 13C-NMR, in which a coupling between the 13C and 31-P cores takes place. I ...
Posted: Sabine Sun 1 Oct 21 '17 at 13:32

shape pulse power

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can shape pulse power be in negative for example -1.98 for crp60comp.4 in dept-135 nmr experiment. ...
Posted: feroon 21 Dec 20 '17 at 09:51

15N-NMR chemical shifts comparison

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I have a set of molecules with similar structure. The 1H-15N HMBC spectra of two of these molecules were taken in DMSO-d...
Posted: Bhanu 1 Jan 15 '18 at 10:45

HSQC not working on BBI and NEO console

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Recently we exchanged our old consoles (Avance III and DRX) with the Bruker’s new NEO series. After the installation of ...
Posted: alina 1 Jan 29 '18 at 05:52

Tune and decoupling problems Bruker Avance 300

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Hello everyone, I had to change a BVT3300 module in a Bruker Avance 300 console today. Everytihing went fine and the mo...
Updated: gael58 1 Feb 22 '18 at 07:45

LiF solid state nmr

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Does anyone know any literature on F19 solid state nmr studies of lithium fluoride LiF? Either in single crystal or powd...
Posted: forza 1 Mar 22 '18 at 08:34


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