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Recently we exchanged our old consoles (Avance III and DRX) with the Bruker’s new NEO series. After the installation of the old probes on the new consoles, I noticed that on the BBI probe, the HSQC experiment is no longer working – no signals. It seems the problem comes from the carbon decoupling pulse. This is very strange for me since this was my routine probe (for 5 years) and it worked perfectly on the Avance III console. Other experiments not using this decoupling pulse work very well. How can I check if this pulse was set properly? With TopSpin 4 it is calculated automatically in the prosol table. What is an optimal length 60-70 usec or 80 usec? If it is a problem with the probe, what can be suddenly damaged? Thanks, alina

asked Jan 29 '18 at 05:52

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Asked: Jan 29 '18 at 05:52

Seen: 9,843 times

Last updated: Jan 29 '18 at 05:52

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