Tagged questions

Acquiring at a receiver phase of 22.5 deegres from the y axis!

1 1 12613
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I've been trying to find a way to acquire NMR data on a UnityPlus system with 20, 30 40 degrees and no the standard ones...
Posted: Federico del Rio 36 / Updated: Evgeny Fadeev 5771 Nov 18 '09 at 14:29

Saturation Transfer Difference NMR with satxfer_dpfgse

1 2 8k
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Can anybody provide parameter file for running 1 D STD saturation transfer difference experiment with DPFGSE sculpted so...
Posted: sns03003 26 / Updated: Evgeny Fadeev 5771 Feb 05 '10 at 08:21

vnmr shapelib and wavelib directories - why there are two?

1 0 6k
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these two directories seem to contain same kind of files, I'm curious why there are two instead of just one? Thanks. ...
Posted: Evgeny Fadeev 5771 / Updated: georgeg 301 Dec 10 '09 at 13:39

Reduced dimensionality experiments in BioPack

1 1 7k
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could anyone suggest pulse sequences that are available in Varian's BioPack that can be readily run in reduced-dimension...
Posted: Magnethead 42 / Updated: David Leonen 1 Apr 11 '10 at 22:26

NMRPipe: Why Varian States-TPPI NMR data is to be processed with -yMode Complex?

1 0 8k
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Hello, I've started using Varian instrument at UCI two years ago and I use nmrPipe to process the data. This one thing ...
Posted: Evgeny Fadeev 5771 / Updated: Clemens Anklin 416 Jun 06 '10 at 15:14

Why this gradient shim map is jumpy at edges?

1 0 6k
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Hello, I've been trying to create a gradient shim map (shown in figure below) on a standard 5 mM tube on D2O (10% D2O/H2...
Posted: Evgeny Fadeev 5771 / Updated: Kirk Marat 711 Jul 03 '10 at 08:22

Varian Biopack pulse sequences for intermolecular NOEs

1 1 5k
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Hi All, I'm trying to set up some experiments to determine intermolecular NOEs in a peptide:protein complex. At the mom...
Posted: acalab 21 / Updated: Evgeny Fadeev 5771 Aug 10 '10 at 16:52

Vnmr: What to do when explib command does not work?

1 0 4k
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Hello, in one of accounts on our system explib command does not work but works fine in other accounts. explib lists exp...
Posted: Evgeny Fadeev 5771 / Updated: georgeg 301 Aug 16 '10 at 09:52

NOE help, pulse shapes, pbox

1 0 4k
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Ok, let's face it. I don't know what I'm doing. I'm a separations chemist running our NMR. sigh. Anyway, I have been co...
Posted: CaymanDave 11 / Updated: Ulrich Haunz 210 Feb 21 '13 at 01:41

Varian FIDs ordering: Inner and outer loop in the sequence(Rance-Kay & States)?

1 0 13669
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Dear all, I am new to NMR and I have difficulty understanding the ordering of FIDs, e.g. if an experiment uses both Ran...
Updated: nmr2rmn 3 Mar 27 '13 at 02:12

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