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Hello, in one of accounts on our system explib command does not work but works fine in other accounts.

explib lists experiments loaded into the given user space and shows which are queued or running.

Is there something I can do on the file system - maybe fix/delete some file or record to make it work again?


asked Aug 13 '10 at 11:16

Evgeny%20Fadeev's gravatar image

Evgeny Fadeev

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I'd check to see that the exp's in that account have not been deleted. If the number of exps are small you could rename them all (e.g. exp1-> Exp1, etc.) and then copy exp1 from another user to this account. The explib command should run then. After this I'd just rename the old exps back to active names (e.g. Exp1 -> exp10, etc.) one at a time until you find the offending culprit. Then you could do a new cexp and copy acqfil, etc. into the new file. Once you find the problem file a bug report.

-George Gray Consultant,Agilent Technologies


answered Aug 16 '10 at 09:52

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