Tagged questions

processing varian data in topspin?

4 1 22665
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Hi I have recently moved to a lab which has a varian magnet, in the past I have only used brukers. The people here use ...
surya 11 Feb 28 '11 at 06:28

Problems about VnmrJ 2.3A(3. fid display style)

0 0 2k
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How can I change the line style of the spectrum or fid in viewports? The line of spectrum seems too narrow. ...
Frey 61 Feb 26 '11 at 22:24

NMR experiments to assign aromatic sidechains?

3 1 9k
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Hello, may I ask this - NMR experiments/pulse sequences are available to assign aromatic sidechains - Phe, Tyr, Trp? We'...
roseyp 46 Feb 22 '11 at 09:38

2D Filtered NOESY/TOCSY on Varian Biopack

0 0 2k
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I am attempting to run some filtered NOESY and TOCSY experiments using sequences in the Varian Biopack - CNfiltocsy and ...
Evgeny Fadeev 5771 Dec 20 '10 at 09:42

Aromatic sidechain assignment pulse sequences for Varian?

3 0 5k
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Hi, someone asked a similar question before, but I'd like to know: Are there readily available varian pulse sequences t...
Dummy 31 Nov 19 '10 at 06:28

Best pulse sequence for HSQC in Guanidine-HCl

3 1 8k
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Hello, I would like to acquire an HSQC spectrum of an 15N-labeled 12 kDa protein unfolding (over the course of hours) i...
Pete Gierth 401 Oct 30 '10 at 06:29

What may cause lock level depend on pfgon setting in vnmr?

2 1 5k
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Hello, I've been working through the probe performance tests and noticed that when I change pfgon='yyy' to pfgon='nyn' l...
Jerry Hirschinger 199 Sep 28 '10 at 12:12

How to process DOSY data in Mnova?

2 0 6k
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Hi we have a DOSY dataset aquired using Doneshot.c sequence on a varian instrument. Will MNOVA process the dataset? Th...
Evgeny Fadeev 5771 Sep 09 '10 at 12:07

How to run 2D ROCSA spectrum only with imaginary on Varian?

2 1 4k
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Hi this is Veera Mohan, I have a doubt about setting an experiment, that is I need to run ROCSA solid state nmr experim...
MOHAN 11 Sep 01 '10 at 18:51

Vnmr: What to do when explib command does not work?

1 0 4k
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Hello, in one of accounts on our system explib command does not work but works fine in other accounts. explib lists exp...
georgeg 301 Aug 16 '10 at 09:52

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