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I am working on a MAS solid-state NMR Bruker spectrometer using Topspin. Is anyone familiar with a macro for running sev...
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I used to use Varian Inova systems with BioPack all the time, and now I'm using a Bruker Avance-III system geared for Ch...
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Hi, I am a new member to this community. I would like to set up an experiment, in which I have to set up proton carrier ...
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hi,i want to run NOESYPHPR with increment time as zero (d0=0).If possible, which software is easy to stack plot(in 1D-fo...
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I am currently trying to write a program that is a lot like the multizg program in the Bruker software, Topspin but with...
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For example when there is a statement like this in the pulse program file
can I change value of d12 from th...
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when i run homonuclear NOESY experiments in bruker 500MHz spectometer with d8 150ms(mw is 300).Though i am followi...
Apr 24 '11 at 23:21
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I want to make a CT-COSY pulse sequence on a Brucker AVANCE II spectrometer. But I'm bother by incremented delay. W...
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is there a possibility to perform an integer division or a modulo calculation in topspin 2.1?
Thank you!
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Hi All,
I am worikng with 500Mhz Bruker. Recently 3rd channel is installed in my institute when i run 3D HNCA experime...