I used to use Varian Inova systems with BioPack all the time, and now I'm using a Bruker Avance-III system geared for Chemistry, not biology. It's driving me crazy that I can't find the pulse sequences I'm used to using! Right now, I'd like to use a NOESY with WET water suppression, and I can't find one in the default set that came with the software. Where do I go for relatively simple pulse sequences for Avance systems? I see Bruker pulse sequences for advanced experiments on Ad Bax's site, at NMRFAM, and NMRWiki, but not the simple ones I need and don't want to program myself. By the way, I'm being stung by the fact our console has just two channels, and many of the pulse sequences I'm interested in assume N15 will be pulsed on channel #3. I'll post a separate question about converting F3-only sequences to F2. Thanks.
Hi Josh, As a general comment that may be of use to you or others, the standard sequences use a set of (mostly) two-letter codes to identify variants of pulse sequence types. The codes are described in the file Pulprog.info, in the standard pulse program directory (you can also access this with edpul, at least in topspin 2). For example the NOESY with excitation sculpting using gradients, phase sensitive, is called noesyesgpph (es for excitation sculpting, gp for gradients using the syntax like p16:gp1 as opposed to older syntax, and ph for phase sensitive using either States, TPPI or States-TPPI method). WET sequences are identified by the code wt. In terms of your real question, it is worth contacting your local Bruker office - there are a number of sequences that just happen not to have made it into the release, because nobody bothered to put them in and no-one cared enough that they are not there! If it's just a simple modification of an existing sequence, then you may find that if it doesn't exist someone will produce one. I don't know of any significant external collections of Bruker sequences, someone else may, but there is always the Bruker Users Mail mailing list (BUM), see BUM homepage for details. There are quite a number of people on the list (including Bruker people), so there is a lot of scope for getting assistance there. Hope that helps! Hi Pete, thanks for mentioning the Pulprog.info didn't know there is a key to the Bruker codespeak. - Evgeny Fadeev (Aug 06 '10 at 09:42) |
Hi Josh, I regularly have similar issues, and recently found useful pulse sequence catalogs on the Bruker website. Don't see a wet-noesy there, but the catalogs are useful for seeing what is in the standard bruker libraries. See pg 57 of Catalog 1 at: http://www.bruker-biospin.com/documentation_programming.html. Maybe more useful are various wet sequences in the lc section (pg 229); probably can combine sections there with noesy to get the right sequence. You may have to log in to get access to download the catalogs (I can send separately if you want). Cheers, Charlie |