Tagged questions

integration 2d noesy

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I will appreciate if somebody write me how to integrate 2D NOESY spectrum in TopSpin 2.1 or 2.5! Step by step, please! I...
Posted: gugica 1 Feb 18 '14 at 03:55

Error in intergration of NMR peaks

1 0 6k
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I have a question regarding the quantification of the error in peak integrals due to noise. I have a series of spectra ...
Posted: Daan 11 / Updated: Jerry Hirschinger 199 Feb 18 '13 at 13:23

Integrating 13C spectra

4 1 11384
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In a normal fully decoupled carbon experiment, can you integrate equivalent carbons? In other words , do all CH3's get ...
Posted: Javaslinger 53 / Updated: w101bdk 7 Jul 16 '12 at 09:49

help on creating a program similar to multizg?

2 1 6k
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I am currently trying to write a program that is a lot like the multizg program in the Bruker software, Topspin but with...
Posted: Artjom Nepryahin 11 / Updated: John Hollerton 96 Dec 10 '12 at 10:05

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