Tagged questions

Buffer systems for protein pH titrations

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Hi All, I am trying to design a 1D 31P pH titration experiment for a protein. I have been trying to identify a good buf...
Posted: K Sippel 1 / Updated: ChemMJW 99 Aug 22 '14 at 20:40

Streaks in RDC Gel Spectrum

2 0 8k
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Hello all, I have used stretched polyacrylamide gels successfully many times to collect RDC data for proteins. The las...
Updated: ChemMJW 99 Dec 06 '13 at 19:10

Streaks in RDC Gel Spectrum

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Hello all, I have used stretched polyacrylamide gels successfully many times to collect RDC data for proteins. The las...
Updated: ChemMJW 99 Dec 06 '13 at 19:10

peak missing in nh hsqc protein nmr

4 0 19341
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Dear NMR wikiers I am assigning 95 aminoacid residue protein . I can see 76 cross peaks in N H HSQC on 700 vnmr cryob ...
Updated: sri 71 Aug 25 '11 at 00:05

caluclation of duterium percentage of randomly deuterated protein

1 0 4k
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Dear NMR WIKIERS , IS THEIR ANY NMR EXPERMENT ON 700 VNMR TO KNOW THE duterium percentage of randomly deuterated prote...
Posted: sri 71 / Updated: Evgeny Fadeev 5771 Jun 21 '11 at 20:32

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