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This is a question related to the question I posted earlier titled "H NMR integration". I tried adding one drop of ...
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Dear friends,
I am now trying to record the NOESY spectrum of my 30 amino acids peptide on DRX600 with a TXI cryo probe...
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Hi NMRwikiers, for measuring scalar couplings we use some HSQC pulse sequences modified for obtaining the coupling in F1...
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Please advice good software for 1D and 2D spectra assignment and structure elucidation,
for small organic molecules.
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Dear sirs and madams,
I have a natural product whose two carbon resoances are appearing at 46 and 56 ppm but theirs prot...
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Dear NMR WIKIers
I prefer to measure best relaxation delay for 3D nmr experments by giving array ( like 0.5 , 0.6 , 0....
May 24 '11 at 02:44
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Dear NMR Wiki'ers
I am identifying aminoacid residues or assignment of protein from following 3D NMR experments
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Dear all:
I just synthesized a polymer. The integrations in the high-chemical-shift regime are
consistent with theoretic...
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I'm a grad student with no prior experience in pulse programming. Currently I work in rodent MRI. I want to be able to...
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Dear NMR wiki ers
Iam working on protein family which can form dimers (total 20kd size )
using 25mM TRIS , 100 mM KCL...
Aug 25 '11 at 00:09