Tagged questions

SSNMR 2H wideline probe that can access sample temperatures in the range of 20-150 K?

1 0 5k
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Is anyone aware of NMR facilites, which possess a SSNMR equipped with a 2H wideline probe that can access sample tempera...
Alexey Potapov 21 Jul 04 '11 at 10:24

about sideband in solid-state NMR

2 1 12401
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Hi, dear all, I've encounter a strange phenomemon. While the target speed of MAS was set to be 12kHz, the sidebands of ...
Alexey Potapov 21 Jul 04 '11 at 10:17

How to study polymer degradation by gamma and X-Ray radiation?

0 1 4k
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Hi, I was asked to study polyethylene degradated by gamma and Xrays. I planed to measure relaxations rates, but which on...
Evgeny Fadeev 5771 Mar 16 '11 at 08:10

optimising o1 in solid state nmr

1 0 6k
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I'm a little bit confused about setting o1, in the case of a solid sample First o1 is the offset of the transmitter fre...
silvernmr 11 Mar 09 '11 at 06:17

setting up solid echo on bruker

4 1 11641
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Hello, I need to set up aquisition parameters for an echo solid sequence on bruker. In order to analyse deuteraed sample...
silvernmr 11 Mar 06 '11 at 12:39

Inverted Spinning Sidebands

2 0 7k
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Hello, My 1H MAS NMR spectrum comes out with the right spinning side band pointing up and the left one pointing down. ...
NMRUser61581 13 Jan 03 '11 at 10:04

How to run 2D ROCSA spectrum only with imaginary on Varian?

2 1 4k
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Hi this is Veera Mohan, I have a doubt about setting an experiment, that is I need to run ROCSA solid state nmr experim...
MOHAN 11 Sep 01 '10 at 18:51

How to reference indirect dimensions in Topspin?

0 1 5k
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Hello, When I process 3d data on topspin with the ft3d command, I get the three-dimensional spectra, but the chemical sh...
Evgeny Fadeev 5771 Jul 26 '10 at 09:24

14N solid state NMR

4 1 6k
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I would like to run some solid state 14N NMR spectra, but I have never run experiment on integer spins in the solid stat...
Joseph DiVerdi 146 May 31 '10 at 06:29

Can adamantane condense in a rotor of a solids probe?

1 0 4k
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Hi, does anyone ever get adamantane from the rotor sublimate and condense outside it? A student here found a suspiciou...
Joseph DiVerdi 146 May 31 '10 at 06:25

Where can I find information about the basics of Solid State NMR Pulse Sequences?

2 1 6k
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Help me in getting the books and articles related to know the basics of Pulse Sequence for Solid State NMR. ...
bernie o'hare 111 Mar 13 '10 at 10:29

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