Tagged questions

Protein-peptide binding NMR Experments

2 0 8k
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Hello friends , my target Protein is existing as multimer (i.e Monomer,dimer,tetrameter ) before binding to the peptid...
Posted: sri 71 / Updated: Justin Frank 1 Jun 27 '16 at 03:02

Protein-peptide binding NMR Experments

2 0 8k
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Hello friends , my target Protein is existing as multimer (i.e Monomer,dimer,tetrameter ) before binding to the peptid...
Posted: sri 71 / Updated: Justin Frank 1 Jun 27 '16 at 03:02

Line broadening in nmr

5 0 8k
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Hello can some body help me in understanding the line broadening effect in NMR? I am working with protein and small mol...
Posted: fatima A 1 / Updated: Evgeny Fadeev 5771 Oct 12 '11 at 07:25

c13 filter noesy experment for homodimer protein

1 0 4k
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Dear NMR wikiers I would like to take c13 filter noesy experment ( this experment explore residues of the interface of...
Updated: sri 71 Jul 05 '11 at 10:56

peak missing in nh hsqc protein nmr

4 0 19510
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Dear NMR wikiers I am assigning 95 aminoacid residue protein . I can see 76 cross peaks in N H HSQC on 700 vnmr cryob ...
Updated: sri 71 Aug 25 '11 at 00:05

peak missing in nh hsqc protein nmr

4 0 19510
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Dear NMR wikiers I am assigning 95 aminoacid residue protein . I can see 76 cross peaks in N H HSQC on 700 vnmr cryob ...
Updated: sri 71 Aug 25 '11 at 00:05

peak missing in nh hsqc protein nmr

4 0 19510
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Dear NMR wikiers I am assigning 95 aminoacid residue protein . I can see 76 cross peaks in N H HSQC on 700 vnmr cryob ...
Updated: sri 71 Aug 25 '11 at 00:05

peak missing in nh hsqc protein nmr

4 0 19510
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Dear NMR wikiers I am assigning 95 aminoacid residue protein . I can see 76 cross peaks in N H HSQC on 700 vnmr cryob ...
Updated: sri 71 Aug 25 '11 at 00:05

Dimer and tetramer equilibrium identification of protein with NMR experiments

2 0 8k
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Dear nmr wikiers could you please let me know is their any nmr experment to identification of Dimer and tetramer equil...
Posted: sri 71 / Updated: Justin Frank 1 Jun 29 '16 at 19:09

Dimer and tetramer equilibrium identification of protein with NMR experiments

2 0 8k
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Dear nmr wikiers could you please let me know is their any nmr experment to identification of Dimer and tetramer equil...
Posted: sri 71 / Updated: Justin Frank 1 Jun 29 '16 at 19:09

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