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Why are NMR peaks of flexible polymers usually broad? Is it due to the intramolecular proton J coupling among different ...
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Hi, thank you for reading my question. I am a novice at NMR, I apologize in advance if my question appears naive. I am ...
Jun 11 '13 at 00:32
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Hi there, I have a polyelectrolyte polyethylenimine (PEI) grafted with DSPE-PEG (lipid-polyethylene glycol). I have some...
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Hi everybody,
Has anyone ever seen a C-6 at 64 ppm in the 13C NMR spectrum of a sulfated galactose?
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Hi, I was asked to study polyethylene degradated by gamma and Xrays. I planed to measure relaxations rates, but which on...
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Hello, I'm trying to use an NMR spectrum to define/calculate a "degree of acrylation" for a PLA-PEG-PLA block copolymer ...