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On our Avance III 500 we use Topshim quite successfully for any probe with a gradient coil. The only time we have a pro...
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Dear friends,
I am now trying to record the NOESY spectrum of my 30 amino acids peptide on DRX600 with a TXI cryo probe...
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Hi NMRwikiers, for measuring scalar couplings we use some HSQC pulse sequences modified for obtaining the coupling in F1...
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Was trying to lift sample in BMSB control suite... but the machine detected sample within and an error 113 popped out. A...
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hi, though this question seems to be easy for you but i am new for this software and to this field. Recently, i took sil...
Apr 24 '11 at 23:28
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Hi, I was asked to study polyethylene degradated by gamma and Xrays. I planed to measure relaxations rates, but which on...
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I'm a little bit confused about setting o1, in the case of a solid sample
First o1 is the offset of the transmitter fre...
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To experienced Bruker users:
I often get the following message in ICON-NMR while running HSQC/HMQC:
"zg: DRU warning: n ...
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I am a novie to the field. I am trying to record the change in settings post shimming using Bruker ParaVision. I...
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Hello people,
For my internship I am attempting to fully automate monomer composition analysis on Bruker TOPSPIN 2.0 us...