Tagged questions

Bruker & Varian phase correction parameters

4 0 7k
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Hi, I am an undergraduate student who is doing a chemistry/computing project. I have chosen to write a simple C program...
Updated: Jean Davidson 1 Mar 30 '13 at 12:23

what is hard and soft pulse and its usage

2 0 16411
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what is hard and soft pulse and its usage ...
Posted: akkhi 1 / Updated: mirage 1 Apr 28 '13 at 05:43

bruker to varian translations

1 1 5k
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Does anyone know a good source for bruker to varian translations in terms of commands and general terms? ...
Updated: Thomas Garner 81 Mar 29 '11 at 07:06

varian-topspin conversion processing artifacts?

1 0 5k
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I have been using topspin to process data recorded on a varian magnet, when processing a 13C-HSQC I noticed one of my pe...
Posted: Thomas Garner 81 / Updated: bernie o'hare 111 Aug 06 '11 at 10:22

WEFT water suppression on Varian?

1 0 5k
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I am working with carbohydrates and in 1D NMR we have anomeric protons very close to the HOD peak, sometimes even right ...
Posted: ssvanleeuwen 1 / Updated: Bharathwaj 112 Apr 27 '13 at 08:32

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