Unanswered questions

The FID in the F1 dimension is not fully sampled – it is cut off.

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HELLO all nmr wikier, I am facing problem in hsqc experiment on bruker machine using pulse prog hsqcetgpsi Normally the ...
Posted: feroon 21 Jun 27 '13 at 10:09

How to get off resonance ligand integral in STD experiment

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Hello I am using satxfer1D experiment on varian unity plus 500 MHz spectrometer and vnmr (not vnmrJ!) software. I would...
Posted: Kate 1 Jun 26 '13 at 04:59

counting unambiguous noe assignments

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Dear everyone, I was wondering how can I know the number of unambiguous noe assignments both after manual assignment an...
Posted: Yar 13 / Updated: eiso 31 Jul 10 '13 at 04:24


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Hi, I need to run FMR (ferromagnetic resonance) on Bruker x-band CW EPR spectrometer. I know it can be done, but I would...
Posted: nmrman 1 Jun 14 '13 at 07:52


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Hey everyone, I've started practicing reading NMR again after having not done so for years, and I'm getting caught up o...
Posted: John Xavier 1 / Updated: Pete Gierth 401 Jun 17 '13 at 12:06

!3C NMR of Peptide

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Hi, thank you for reading my question. I am a novice at NMR, I apologize in advance if my question appears naive. I am ...
Posted: pjb 1 Jun 11 '13 at 00:32

ROESY build-up curve - simulation software

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Hello, I have some users interested in measuring a ROESY build-up curve for their samples (NOESY does not work due to m...
Posted: sararah 11 Jun 10 '13 at 08:30

How to start experiment at particular row

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I was running a 3D 15N edit NOESY (on a Bruker 600) and it was inadvertently stopped. I would like to restart the experi...
Posted: Lola Brown 1 / Updated: Pete Gierth 401 Jun 13 '13 at 11:05

csrosetta server application

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I upload my protein on csrosetta server for generating structures. I have provided TALOS data file. Its already two days...
Posted: anup 1 Jun 04 '13 at 06:09

Not possible to modify the wiki?

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Hi. I receive this error, when I try to modify the wiki. Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class MWNamespace in /var/www/nm...
Posted: Troels E. Linnet 1 / Updated: sdriegel 1 Jul 04 '13 at 12:45

questions without an accepted answer

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