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what are the name for 2D NOESY filtered/edited experiments like F1fF2f, F1fF2e, F2f, F1eF2e in Bruker 700MHz ?.
Here is ...
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Hi, comrades! We use the linux version of TopSpin 2.1 as a software for AVANCE II Bruker 400 MHz.
As I found parameters ...
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I'm looking for a pulse program suitable for Bruker Avance llI (topspin 2.1) which is 2D homonuclear correlation wit...
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Hi All,
I am worikng with 500Mhz Bruker. Recently 3rd channel is installed in my institute when i run 3D HNCA experime...
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I need to set up 2H NMR on a Bruker 600 MHz BBO probe for the first time. Can anyone give me a set of instructions?
Do ...
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Hi all,
I upgraded to Ubuntu 12.04 and reinstalled nmrpipe. Everything works well - except that when I resize the nmrDr...
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"the t1 dimensio was processed using the baseline correction mode “qfil” in the
XWINNMR software"
Does anyone know abou...
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Hello all,
I have 1H-15N HSQC spectra that contain pairs of partially overlapped crosspeaks for which I need to extract...
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hiii everyone, our receiver gain is half of normal.(normal mean according to training report is 1024 but when we make a...
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What's the standard amount or concentration for using Cr(acac) in a Quantitative Carbon? I read 30mg per ml but that is...