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Our group just transfered from Varian to Bruker NMR, and we have a problem. Since my sample is unstable, when thereis a need for long 2D NMR, it's better use interleaved acquisition. The question is how to do it with Topspin. On Vnmrj, it's easy by simply select "interleave" in Acquire window.

I tried the "interleave" AU command, but it seems the relevant 1D spectra from different interleaved cycles were not added up-----I compared the 1st increment (command "rser 1") with a regular 1D spectrum. hope I made the problem clear.

asked Jan 19 '17 at 13:14

nmr1novice's gravatar image


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bruker has the option of making lists (corresponding to variables vc / vp / vd) . so, for example, if you are doing a t1rho experiment where you vary the length of the spin lock pulse and you want to collect interleaved data, you can use vp and then do "ivp" at the end of the pulse program where your loops are. Depending on where you place the "ivp" loop, you can collect RI RI ... or RRII.. data. Hope it helps!


answered Jan 20 '17 at 08:34

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kaustubh sinha

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You have to change the pulse sequence in a particular way to interleave a 1D/2D experiment. I have the details of how to do this on a 2D experiment (2D -> pseudo 3D) here: http://sites.psu.edu/debsahu/2016/04/30/designing-interleaved-experiment-in-bruker-topspin-3/ . Hope this helps.


answered Feb 16 '17 at 14:27

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Debashish Sahu

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Asked: Jan 19 '17 at 13:14

Seen: 5,870 times

Last updated: Feb 16 '17 at 14:27

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