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We have been trying to get a 2D H-F experiment to work using the X 100 W amplifier on our Bruker NMR, but can't get it to work with either H or F even though we get a pretty decent RG value. Does anyone know the difference between the X 100 W and H 50 W amplifers?

asked Mar 23 '16 at 17:26

ysuh's gravatar image


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2D is a bit tricky to do!

X100W amplifier is for x nucleis and the H50W is for Proton and 19F lonely.

  1. Option there is a third amplifier in the spectrometer hidden - only for the Deuterium!! If you take this Option you can use a Special puslprogram, which shuts off the lock during measurement of 2H. You are using know the lock-channel for Deuterium detection. This Option is not so sensitive, ... take more scans, but you have not Change the cablings.

zg2h or zg2h.2 are the pulsprograms, ... please use the parameterset via rpar and getprosol.

  1. Option, there you have to Change the cablings manually - not only switching around in edasp or probehead - also you have to bypass the X-amplifier unit - there is a Deuterium stopp filter.

Take Version 1 - it is the easy going Version

Have a nice try!



answered May 04 '16 at 01:25

Ulrich%20Haunz's gravatar image

Ulrich Haunz

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To do H/F double resonance there are a number of requirements.

  1. You need a probe that can be simultaneously tuned to H and F (BBFO and QNP will work)
  2. You need filters on the pre-amp inputs usually supplied with he system if you have a probe as described in point 1
  3. The QNP switch in the console (part of the routing) can switch the H and F transmitter outputs fast enough to do H/F 2D, but the pulse program has to explicitly be set up to do it.

Make cure all of you routing (software and cables) are set up so that the amplifier in use is using the QNP switch.


answered Jun 14 '16 at 11:55

Kirk%20Marat's gravatar image

Kirk Marat

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