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Dear all,

I am trying to write an AU program for the acquisition of three different measurements in a sequence for 2 hours to monitor a kinetic reaction. I come across "goalternate" AU program in topspin which is very much close to what I need but only thing is, it acquires 2 experiments alternatively. I was trying to edit this program for three acquisitions but it didn't work. I am not familiar with C language. Could you please suggest me something in this regard. Thank you.

asked Sep 15 '15 at 20:42

Umayal%20Rakesh's gravatar image

Umayal Rakesh

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Hi Umayal,

One simple solution is to use ICONNMR and just set up an alternating series of the 3 experiments you want to run. If you have a very recent version of Topspin you can even define start times for each of the experiments. I will try to modify go alternate for multiple experiments.



answered Sep 18 '15 at 03:47

Clemens%20Anklin's gravatar image

Clemens Anklin

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Thank you for the reply Clemens. Even I thought of using IconNMR but setting up 3 alternating experiments in series to run for 2 hours seems bit tedious. I didn't know about defining the start times. anyways, Now I wrote a macro to acquire these series. It seems working fine. Please inform me once you could come up with modifying goalternate for multiple experiments. Regards Umayal


answered Sep 20 '15 at 20:19

Umayal%20Rakesh's gravatar image

Umayal Rakesh

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