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I have been trying to open varian vnmrj spectra in mnova software to workup the spectra, but I keep getting error messages saying that the .fid file cannot be read in mnova. I have heard that there is a way to get mnova to read these files, but I haven't found any answers. I just prefer working up data on my own computer so I don't have to waste NMR time working up spectra on lab computers. Any advice you have is greatly appreciated!

asked Aug 08 '14 at 07:37

Carolyn%20Shetter's gravatar image

Carolyn Shetter

Do you have a license installed? If not, MestreNova opens no new data set! Second, you have to transfer the directory, including the fid to your computer and then open the FID in the directory. MestreNOVA reads out the parameter files! - Ulrich Haunz (Aug 11 '14 at 23:47)

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Hello all,

  1. ftp makes sometimes bad things with the FID, ... spectra is only noise! please change the transfer mode from "auto" or "ASCII" to "bin"/"binary"!

  2. MestreNOVA opens only data, if the license key is OK, this has been checked by the license module. If the license server is down, than MestreNova can not open new data from a NMR (JEOL, Bruker, Agilent/Varian, ...)

  3. do you have transferred the directory with the included FID - or only the .fid file? MestreNOVA interprets also the other surrounding files.

If you have still problems, ... give us here a note.



answered Aug 13 '14 at 05:09

Ulrich%20Haunz's gravatar image

Ulrich Haunz

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Seems possible you've done something to the data on transferring it to your computer. There should be no .fid file, rather just a fid file. If the transfer has added an extension, you need to correct that so you get a binary set over. Get to your computer correctly, and MNova will open it no problem.


answered Aug 11 '14 at 21:36

Charlie%20Fry's gravatar image

Charlie Fry

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I use MNova 9.0.1 and can open varian spectra without problems.


answered Aug 09 '14 at 22:09

Zdenek%20Moravec's gravatar image

Zdenek Moravec

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