Can anyone recommend a good site which lists T1 and T2 values for common materials? Thanks. |
Obviously, such values are dependent upon many factors, like temperature and spectrometer frequency, solid state VS solution, etc. I think your best bet is to specifically search for T1/T2 NMR studies of particular materials with your desired constraints using Scifinder, ISI Web of Science, or another science-related search engine. Good luck! -Cortnie I guess he was hoping to get a reference for some data compilation, hopefully there is something like that published out there... - Evgeny Fadeev (Sep 10 '10 at 12:08) What I'd add to Cortnie's suggestion though - start looking with review articles and books. You are more likely to find compilations in those kinds of sources. - Evgeny Fadeev (Sep 11 '10 at 09:15) |