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Hi all,

I'm having trouble reading the 2dseq file for a scan I ran. It should contain 2 slices of 66x50 voxels, repeated 360 times, all of phase data. Thus, I expect a data set that is 66 x 50 x 2 x 360 = 2376000 long. However, when I read the 2dseq file, it is double the length I expect. I tried reading the values as longs instead of shorts, but that didn't work. Is phase data stored differently than normal magnitude images?

Please let me know if you need any more information!

Cheers, Nick

asked Mar 13 '15 at 09:17

Nicholas%20E's gravatar image

Nicholas E

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Figured it out: key was in visu_pars.

Most of my images have ##$VisuCoreFrameType=MAGNITUDEIMAGE ##$VisuCoreWordType=16BITSGNINT

but these phase images have ##$VisuCoreFrameType=PHASEIMAGE ##$VisuCoreWordType=32BITSGNINT

Problem solved...


answered Mar 13 '15 at 10:53

Nicholas%20E's gravatar image

Nicholas E

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