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I tried to perform topshim on my AV-300 but it say : "BsmsRCBSlope - setting RCB ramp failed - Error 84:BSMSExcessive Coil Power" during the run, and then fail.

What's the problem?

Thanks, regards

asked Oct 01 '14 at 02:37

Bourdreux%20Flavien's gravatar image

Bourdreux Flavien

Are you doing 1D or 3D shimming? The RCB stands for "real-time control board" which provides fast ramping of the off-axis shims. The message says that you are putting too much power into your shim system. Contact Bruker. - Kirk Marat (Oct 14 '14 at 14:28)

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I think that the answer on this question can be provided only by Bruker support team. This code is incomprehensible for normal user.

I don't know what this acronym RCB could mean, reasidual circuit breaker ? First question is that your probe can be shimmed by automatic procedures ?


answered Oct 06 '14 at 02:14

Arkadiusz%20Leniak's gravatar image

Arkadiusz Leniak

updated Oct 06 '14 at 02:27

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Asked: Oct 01 '14 at 02:37

Seen: 3,630 times

Last updated: Oct 14 '14 at 14:28

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