hi there. I want to establish an au with the following content: I want to measure 1H and 31P make ssleep (userdefined) go to 1H make iexpno measure go to 31P iexpno measure and again ssleep. With this Iwant to study some kinetics. For the 1H this works very well but I have some problems to implement the 31P in it. Anyone some idea for me? thanks a lot. |
Hello, I am not a skripting guru. This is very nice, to do one kinetic row and get two results (1H and 31P/13C) at once. I'll think this can be done easily via ICONNMR with jump and return, ... between two different nucleus at one experiment. Directly producing an "AU"-script for a run in a run, switching the nucleus, ... no idea. Someone has done some special scripts for VnmrJ, switching between exp1 and exp2, ... http://www.lsa.umich.edu/UMICH/chem/Home/Resources/Technical%20Services/NMR/Kineticswith2_nuclei.pdf You can not adopt this directly to TopSpin. Yours, Uli |