Tagged questions

log: Failed to find Z0 - low s/n

2 0 4k
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Hi, everybody! I met a problem on Varian 400 MR: DMSO samples don't lock by "find Z0" button, but I can find lock signal...
Ulrich Haunz 210 Mar 09 '15 at 09:18

sensitivity in bruker 400 mHz NMR

1 0 4k
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hiii everyone, our receiver gain is half of normal.(normal mean according to training report is 1024 but when we make a...
Kirk Marat 711 Aug 31 '12 at 07:32

Pt 195 NMR Signal to Noise

3 0 5k
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I need help with parameters on a Varian system for Pt-195 NMR. I am having trouble with signal to noise. From what I've ...
jkurutz 131 May 21 '12 at 07:59

What is your test for the feasibility of protein structure determination?

2 1 6k
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How do you evaluate protein samples for the feasibility to solve 3D structure? For example if you record a test HSQC se...
Ilango 171 Jul 21 '10 at 12:35

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