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Hi there,

We had a short power failure yesterday and since my boss is in Ireland and our other so called NMR guru doesn't have a clue I'm counting on you guys.

When trying to lock a sample it always shows the message LOCK IS OFF after a moment. I noticed, when using autolock, the lock button on the BSMS display turns red before the message appears. It also happens with every solvent.

Would the solution be to remove the lock cable and reattach and could something happen during this procedure? Or do you have any other ideas?


asked Jul 05 '12 at 01:14

Patrick%20Seibert's gravatar image

Patrick Seibert

After a power outage, perhaps the computer is now running, but the NMR console is still without power. - Jerry Hirschinger (Jul 16 '12 at 08:16)

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Hi, how did you solve the problem? We ' ve got something like this today :-( First experiments super, after lunch 'lock is off', everything seems to be ok, console - no red lights, atma ok, we did pc, topspin, console restarts.. no help.. thank you!


answered Apr 12 '18 at 12:50

aaaeee's gravatar image


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check your shim and lock shift value, the power outage could disturb the configuration on the BSMS (if it's Bruker), and you need manually reload and/or reset these values.


answered Feb 28 '13 at 07:37

Guang's gravatar image


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