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topspin peak list file format

2 0 7k
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I am trying to parse a "peaks" file (generated by topspin) and convert it from binary to ascii, but couldn't find its fi...
Posted: badgerNMR 1 / Updated: John Hollerton 96 Apr 16 '13 at 08:13

Avance III 400 NMR lift unresponsive... emergency air lift activiated

1 0 7k
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Hi, I am unable to activate our lift on our avance III 400 NMR from BruKer The message is emergency air lift activated....
Posted: Tamara 1 / Updated: wilsonmv 1 May 27 '13 at 18:53

Individually phase pseudo-2d DOSY spectra?

2 0 5k
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Hello, I have a DOSY data set in TopSpin and I'd like to extract diffusion coefficients for two small peaks in the spec...
Posted: DBritt 1 / Updated: Ignacio Pérez-Victoria 1 Oct 29 '13 at 01:47

How to convert inversion recovery data acquired using Spinsight

0 0 3k
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Hi, I do not know how to convert a data set acquired using Spinsight into a format that can be read by Topspin. The d...
Posted: mike 1 Nov 14 '13 at 14:00

can topspin 3.2 window version open broker fid file?

3 0 4k
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I installed the Topspin 3.2 pl 3 on windows 7, but when I am trying to open my NMR data it can only show process data fi...
Posted: shark 1 / Updated: John Hollerton 96 Jan 23 '14 at 09:36

Topspin 3.2.5 queue experiment

3 0 8k
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Does anyone know how to make Topspin to queue experiments? In my recently installed Topspin somehow the queue function i...
Posted: shark 1 / Updated: Arkadiusz Leniak 238 Jun 05 '14 at 05:07

TopSpin: 3D experiment with vc list

2 0 10040
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Question about how to make a 3D experiment in which one of the dimensions is a variable counter (vc) list. I'm using Top...
Updated: DaanMR 1 Jun 05 '14 at 08:26

Processing of spectra in Bruker Topspin

0 0 3k
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Can anyone suggest important parameters need to be optimized for 3DNMR data processing and correct phasing of cross pea...
Updated: Arun Gupta 11 Jun 08 '14 at 03:04

How can you read a FID dile with topspin?

2 0 11393
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Hi, I found a spectrum I'm interested in on the hmdb database, say for example at the end of this page http://www.hmdb....
Posted: gravatar 83 / Updated: Arkadiusz Leniak 238 Jun 14 '14 at 02:00

Topspin3.2 deconvolution, border peaks are cutted off

1 0 5k
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Greetings, I've some annoying issue with Topspin and deconvolution. No matter what I'm trying to do, border peaks are a...
Posted: Arkadiusz Leniak 238 / Updated: Ulrich Haunz 210 Jun 16 '14 at 07:48

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