Tagged questions

Why is the T1 relaxation time of protons shorter than for other nuclei?

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So I think this could be asked in my oral exam. Why are the T1 relaxation times in NMR spectroscopy shorter than those o...
NMR Dummy 1 Jan 25 '17 at 09:56

Relaxation rate of bulk (pure) water at high frequencies

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Hi all, Does anyone know if NMR relaxation rates of bulk (pure) water has been measured experimentally at several hundr...
Jerry Hirschinger 199 Jul 21 '16 at 05:08

How to edit format of Variables in NMRPipe?

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Dear all, I would like to change the number of decimal place for the X and Y ppm values in nmrdraw (peak detection). The...
Jerry J 1 Aug 18 '15 at 14:37

Absence of some signals on 1H and 13C spectra of polyaromatic carboximidate

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Hi, I have encountered a strange behaviour of some signals (they are absent) in a series of polycyclic aromatic carboxi...
zablociak 21 Mar 23 '15 at 12:11

Choice of relaxation delay time (d1) in 2D experiments.

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Hi, Most people tend to use a lower d1 for 2D than for 1D. Help me understand why. Furthermore, supposing you know you...
gravatar 83 Mar 09 '15 at 02:21

Measuring T1 for a low concentration (1mM) compound in water.

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Hi, I'm trying to measure T1 for a compund at 1mM in water using t1ir. Seeing how my concentration is so low, phasing m...
Ulrich Haunz 210 Oct 23 '14 at 08:39

T2 relaxation (CPMG) measurement of 13C high resolution spectra

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Hi all, my question is how to perform a T2 measurement of 13C liquid NMR spectra in BRUKER AVIII ? What sequence to use?...
TiagoB 5 Feb 19 '14 at 04:23

Relaxation time of adenine H2

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Could anyone tell the reason why adenine h2 has a longer T1 and T2 than the other prontons in nucleic acid? It would be ...
yuan 1 Jan 13 '13 at 22:36

1H t2 measurement in solid state nmr

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How to measure t2 of 1H in solid state nmr? we use saturation burst followed by cp to measure T1 of 1H in solid state in...
Ulrich Haunz 210 Mar 05 '12 at 03:34

T1 Rho relaxation

2 0 9k
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I am looking for some guidance on researching T1rho relaxation. Does anybody have updated information or references to e...
Alexey Potapov 21 Oct 15 '11 at 04:56

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