Tagged questions

NMRPipe: re-integrate peaks

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Hello, I am familiarizing myself with NMRPipe and I have a question similar to the one already asked (http://qa.nmrwiki...
Updated: vvostri 11 Jun 14 '11 at 09:54

NMRPipe: propagating resonance positions to multiple spectra

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Hello, Is it possible in NMRPipe to: Generate a peak table for a new spectrum using the resonance positions in an exi...
Updated: vvostri 11 Aug 23 '11 at 13:58

Varian FIDs ordering: Inner and outer loop in the sequence(Rance-Kay & States)?

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Dear all, I am new to NMR and I have difficulty understanding the ordering of FIDs, e.g. if an experiment uses both Ran...
Updated: nmr2rmn 3 Mar 27 '13 at 02:12

simulate 3D NOESY

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Hello everyone I am using NMRPipe to simulate 3D, noise-free NOESY spectra (13C or 15N resolved) from peak lists, but I...
Updated: canavanin 17 Mar 19 '14 at 05:17

Tool for Subsampling Uniformly-Acquired Data to Mimic NUS Spectra

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Hello all, I have several 2D and 3D data sets acquired using Bruker spectrometers in the standard uniform sampling fash...
Updated: ChemMJW 99 Aug 23 '14 at 20:43

What do -di and -verb do?

1 0 2k
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Hi all, New to NMRPipe. I'm trying to understand what the arguments -di and -verb to, e.g. in |nmrPipe -fn PS -p0 66.0...
Posted: Lena 1 / Updated: Kirk Marat 711 Sep 06 '16 at 11:23

Backbone assignment with NMRPipe

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Hi I'm new to nmrPipe and I have a question about where to start assigning the backbone resonances for a recombinant pro...
Posted: David Onofrei 3 / Updated: Woonghee 26 Nov 28 '16 at 16:37

A puzzle about NMRPipe COADD with -time option.

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... Following up on a previous question about processing interleaved gNhsqc_IPAP.c data where IP/AP is on the inner loop...
Updated: Evgeny Fadeev 5771 Jan 15 '10 at 16:49

How to do a Shearing Transform in nmrPipe?

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Hi, In want to do a shearing transform of 2Q-1Q correlation spectra into a 1Q-1Q type projection. This is possible in NM...
Posted: Santy 11 / Updated: Evgeny Fadeev 5771 Jan 05 '11 at 10:18

window resizing issues with nmrDraw on Ubuntu 12.04

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Hi all, I upgraded to Ubuntu 12.04 and reinstalled nmrpipe. Everything works well - except that when I resize the nmrDr...
Posted: Kaustubh 21 Sep 15 '12 at 18:33

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