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bigger MAS-NMR spectrum as irradiation window

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Hi, I have a sample with a very very big CSA which is broader than my irradiation windows, so I have to acquire my dat...
Posted: Thiazole 11 Dec 16 '14 at 13:05

MAS spin counting

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Hi, We have a Bruker MAS probe (4mm, late 90s vintage, widebore) that reports a spin speed twice what it is actually doi...
Posted: Kate Nairn 11 / Updated: w101bdk 7 Nov 13 '13 at 10:22

spinning heating sample in MAS

3 0 3k
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there are two known mechanisms: friction heating( which may cause several degrees temperature increase) and induced AC c...
Posted: Jeffreyyyy 1 / Updated: Thiazole 11 Dec 16 '14 at 13:15

about sideband in solid-state NMR

2 1 12337
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Hi, dear all, I've encounter a strange phenomemon. While the target speed of MAS was set to be 12kHz, the sidebands of ...
Posted: Frey 61 / Updated: Alexey Potapov 21 Jul 04 '11 at 10:17

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