Tagged questions

error while running humpcal

1 0 4k
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Dear all, My new avance 400 is driving me crazy at the moment ! Shims are awful although I tried the topshim 3D on sucro...
univp5 1 Dec 20 '13 at 02:44

Not possible to modify the wiki?

0 0 1k
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Hi. I receive this error, when I try to modify the wiki. Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class MWNamespace in /var/www/nm...
sdriegel 1 Jul 04 '13 at 12:45

Error in intergration of NMR peaks

1 0 6k
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I have a question regarding the quantification of the error in peak integrals due to noise. I have a series of spectra ...
Jerry Hirschinger 199 Feb 18 '13 at 13:23

spinner problem [Varian]

3 0 8k
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Dear Colleagues, my NMR system recently suffers from problems with spinning the sample. Namely, it does not regulate at...
Jerry Hirschinger 199 Mar 22 '12 at 10:48

How to fix error code 9 when running modelfree?

3 2 8k
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Guys-has any one used fastMF program from Loria's group? I am getting an error message - "Error during input, file= 6mar...
Daisuke Takahashi 1 Sep 08 '11 at 18:35

Error 113: lid is close

1 1 6k
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Was trying to lift sample in BMSB control suite... but the machine detected sample within and an error 113 popped out. A...
Jerry Hirschinger 199 Apr 19 '11 at 07:40

What does tcu error in bruker mean: ignored AQNEXT, busy FIFO is stopped?

1 0 9k
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Has any one seen this type of error before? tcu error: Error in 'hsqcrexetf3gpsi3d.t22.d': line 92 (pc=50, ld=2300): - ...
Ilango 171 Jul 09 '10 at 11:45

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